

Answer the questions on the screen as fast as possible! Cinema, films, sports... We have many themes ready to test your knowledge. Play and defeat other players! The prizes are waiting for you!

Buzz's Ranking

Position Player name Final score Date
#1 AROMA 6330 02/16/2023 15:31:46
#2 FER 6195 05/04/2023 11:14:57
#3 DANIRODES 6125 03/16/2023 12:12:48
#4 DANI IPAD 6080 05/04/2023 11:14:57
#5 FERMACBPRO 5830 06/27/2023 13:17:40
#6 FERANDROIDPRO 5830 06/27/2023 17:24:27
#7 JENIFER VALLE 5765 03/23/2023 20:09:31
#8 DANI 5740 03/16/2023 16:14:26
#9 WILSON 5605 03/23/2023 20:09:31
#10 VICTOR CAPARROS 5605 12/17/2023 20:27:33

Buzz's Ranking 5

Position Player name Final score Date
#1 DANI 6040 12/06/2022 12:02:34
#2 MAR 5970 12/06/2022 12:02:34
#3 MAITE 5920 12/06/2022 12:02:34
#4 AINA 5850 12/06/2022 12:02:34
#5 FER 5785 05/25/2023 14:45:32
#6 FERANDROIDPRO 5755 03/25/2024 11:37:23
#7 FERIOSV38 5660 03/25/2024 11:37:23
#8 AROMA 5295 12/17/2022 16:23:48
#9 SUPERJOSEP 5080 12/06/2022 12:02:34
#10 VICTOR CAPARROS 4945 12/18/2022 20:54:09

Sort the answers as fast as you can. Which is first? All kind of questions that you will have to sort following the question's rules. Get ready, it will not be easy. Good luck!

Sort's Ranking

Position Player name Final score Date
#1 DANI IPAD 5540 03/16/2023 18:53:37
#2 DANIRODES 5425 03/16/2023 15:30:27
#3 DANI 5200 03/16/2023 15:11:27
#4 AROMA 5085 03/16/2023 15:57:36
#5 FER 2440 03/16/2023 19:03:45
#6 FERANDROIDPRO 1805 11/23/2023 12:31:19
#7 FERIOSV38 1645 11/23/2023 12:31:19
#8 SUPERJOSEP 950 02/03/2023 12:56:26
#9 ALBERT MAJOS 860 03/17/2023 12:14:43
#10 AINA 860 02/10/2023 16:43:53

It is time to check you aim! And your pulse! How many hits will you get? At first, you will find it easy... but let's see when the target starts moving. Will you get a bullseye? Try it!

Arrow's Ranking

Position Player name Final score Date
#1 FERANDROIDPRO 8425 06/27/2023 15:28:24
#2 DANIRODES 8000 03/16/2023 15:31:45
#3 FER 7225 12/02/2022 15:51:25
#4 DANI 7075 12/04/2023 10:17:08
#5 AROMA 6600 12/17/2022 16:27:05
#6 DANI IPAD 5825 05/04/2023 11:05:56
#7 LOPKHEOPS 5675 09/30/2023 16:45:09
#8 FERIOSV38 5225 10/26/2023 18:14:37
#9 SUPERJOSEP 4925 04/14/2023 19:03:19
#10 MAR 4275 12/27/2022 10:59:02

How good is your visual memory? Pay attention to the combinations that will appear on the big screen. Show you skills repeating them the fastest you can with your smartphone. Good luck! For this game, don't forget to place your smartphone horizontally!

Sequence's Ranking

Position Player name Final score Date
#1 FER 5390 03/23/2023 13:04:18
#2 DANI 5340 11/30/2023 11:06:56
#3 AROMA 5245 04/04/2023 10:59:49
#4 DANIRODES 5205 04/04/2023 10:59:49
#5 FERIOSV38 5095 10/26/2023 18:10:28
#6 AINARODES 5085 04/21/2023 18:27:55
#7 FERANDROIDPRO 5085 02/01/2024 17:45:17
#8 DU5UM 4915 12/22/2023 18:44:55
#9 ANA111819 4845 04/14/2023 19:30:10
#10 MARIAA 4820 12/17/2023 20:28:50

Check all the letters of the word shown on screen, do it in the proper way. And don't waste your time!

Words' Ranking

Position Player name Final score Date
#1 FER 4715 06/01/2023 12:37:11
#2 FERIOSV38 4695 11/30/2023 12:08:12
#3 OMONTALBAN 4690 05/06/2023 17:13:10
#4 IK3RMARTINEZ 4680 10/03/2023 18:58:03
#5 XSIITU 4675 05/20/2023 17:56:58
#6 GINES172 4645 10/02/2023 21:58:00
#7 CARADEPITO 4645 10/03/2023 18:58:03
#8 SUPERMAN 4635 03/04/2023 18:29:34
#9 AANALOPEEZZ 4630 05/20/2023 19:27:58
#10 XUSSO 4620 05/17/2023 20:29:30

Memorize the position of several images on your device. Look at the screen and choose the locked box of your panel which is the same as the image on the screen.

Memory's Ranking

Position Player name Final score Date
#1 DANIRODES 5565 11/30/2023 12:11:48
#2 FER 5480 05/02/2023 12:34:46
#3 ROBERTVEGETA 5455 03/23/2023 20:10:48
#4 FERANDROIDPRO 5420 06/27/2023 17:25:39
#5 PARATA 5390 05/11/2023 17:56:41
#6 RATGANGA 5385 06/11/2023 16:15:36
#7 STEVEN 5360 06/11/2023 19:00:34
#8 FERMACBPRO 5315 11/23/2023 15:11:34
#9 DANI 5300 07/10/2023 10:17:07
#10 SUPERMAN 5175 03/04/2023 18:26:24

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